
All new parents and scouts MUST understand the rules for selling popcorn. It requires a lot of work with logistics. If 10 parents don’t pay attention to the instructions, which wastes 1 hour of volunteer time, those parents have now wasted 10 hours of volunteer leadership time, which is not acceptable.

Online sales are possible. Scouts may start selling door to door now.  Credit card sales net your scout the most point per dollar and is the best way to collect payments.  This will allow your scout to have his/her sale completed without having to handle or turn-in cash.  In addition, scouts who sell popcorn with credit card sales earn more points per dollar for their rewards (Amazon Gift Cards).

Selling popcorn is our pack’s primary funding source other than dues. Please encourage your scout to do their best ($700 goal). We use the funds we earn from selling popcorn to pay for pack expenses .

Sale Info

• All sales count toward your scout’s prize totals ( all calendar year. Consider using Facebook or other social networking sites to point friends and family to your scout’s online sales form.
• Selling popcorn is a way for scouts to help contribute to our pack, practicing responsibility, and teaches them to “pay their way”. This gives them ownership of their scouting experience
• Have your scouts wear their “Class A” uniforms at Storefronts.
• Buyers who don’t want popcorn for themselves can still make a “Military Donation” to send popcorn to active duty military personnel.
• A great ask – “would you like to support scouting by buying popcorn for yourself, the military, or both?”
• Product will be available for delivery for take order/wagon sales at the end of November


Prize Info

Trails-End offers points which can be redeemed for an amazon gift card. For higher sales, the points work out to 10% of sales.

The Pack lets kids who sell more than $500 throw a pie in a leaders face.

Our pack uses popcorn revenue to cover dues and other expenses. If a scout sells less than $700, then 35% of sales can be used to offset a portion of dues. This is the Pack’s commission (the Pack receives nothing for the first $700 a scout sells) If a scout sells $700, their pack dues are waived, and they get an $85 credit towards scouting expenses (which offsets the BSA National dues of $85).  If a scout sells more than $700, then 10% of sales above $700 can be used to reduce other pack expenses (i.e. use the funds to pay for the campout or the Big Trip!)

The top 3-5 sellers (depends on Gladiators rules) that attend the Gladiators Hockey game in the Spring get to go down on the ice to present the American flag during the National Anthem.

Suggestions for sales

  • Neighborhood sales blitz was effective – do more and earlier in the sales period – we did one Saturday and profit was better than Show and Sell.  Pair new and old families as much as possible.
  • Set-up show and sells at Lowe’s, Kroger, and Walmart when first date of show and sell is announced – profit is MUCH BETTER the earlier weekends
  • Once your done selling, you must request your Amazon Gift card from Trails End before the end of the calendar year.. Pack credits will be handled by parent volunteers
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