Welcome or welcome back.  I hope you’re ready for a great and fun year of adventures and activities with Cub Scout Pack 2143!  This year we want everything to run smoothly and everyone to have fun.  To help ensure that happens we are having all new and returning scouts and parents read and sign a behavior contract.  These rules must be followed and include things that scouts and parents must adhere to as expect scouts to follow the Scout Oath and Law.  Let’s have an amazing year!

Expectations for Scout Behavior

  1. Horseplay of any kind will not be permitted at any meeting unless it’s part of an organized activity. A Scout is Courteous and Kind.
  1. You should keep your hands to yourself and you should be kind. That means, no tagging, yelling, pushing, tackling, slapping, hitting, grabbing, etc. 
  2. Individuals who are acting in a disruptive manner make it harder for volunteers to volunteer. 
  3. No talking if someone is presenting. A Scout is Courteous and Kind.
  4. Talking while someone else is talking is discourteous and unkind. 
  5. Always a scout. A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.
  6. You’re a scout in and out of uniform. When you’re at school, at home wherever you may be.  It’s always important to follow and demonstrate the scout law and oath. 
  7. Where’s your buddy? A Scout is Obedient
  1. At Scouting activities, scouts are not permitted to go off on their own. Your parents must know where you are, and you must have a buddy. This is a BSA requirement.
  2. Leaving by yourself because your buddy isn’t allowed to do what you want to do is not acceptable. This creates an unsafe situation. 
  3. Follow all posted signs and pack or den leader directions. A scout is Obedient.
  4. Signs and rules have been posted for a reason.  Breaking those rules or failure to follow those rules could result in someone getting hurt or something getting damaged.
  5. No fighting. A Scout is Friendly, Courteous, and Kind
  1. If you fight or hit someone, you may be asked to leave.
  2. If someone’s behavior is making you angry, let a parent or leader know. Fights usually happen because of repeated behavior that’s not properly addressed.

Expectations for Parents

  1. Parents are expected to ensure their scouts are behaving appropriately. If you see a leader asking your child to be quiet multiple times, you haven’t been paying appropriate attention. Volunteer leaders are there to teach and ensure safety. They are not there to repeatedly correct your child’s behavior.
  2. If a Scout is repeatedly not behaving appropriately, please remove them from the meeting/activity so they are not a distraction. They may return after you have explained proper behavior to them.
  1. All scouts and parents should attend at least 80% of meetings.
  1. We get illnesses as well as emergencies happen, but many awards and achievements are earned at meetings.  Though you can do them on your own, the idea is working with a group of people to learn teamwork and cooperation. 
  2. If you can’t make it, please let a leader know so they can plan accordingly.
  1. Siblings are welcome but must be on their best behavior.
  2. Sibling behavior should not interfere with a meeting, and should not interfere with a parents ability to monitor their scouts’ behavior.

It’s not always possible to have someone watch your little one so they are welcome to come.  If they are having an issue or causing issues at a meeting it’s okay to step away.  Your den leader will catch you up, but please remember rule #1.

  1. If it’s a persistent issue where the younger or older sibling cannot behave they may be asked not to come.
  2. Siblings 5 and under need to be supervised at all times at Scouting functions just like all Lions and Tigers must be accompanied by an adult partner.
  3. Stay off your phones during meetings
  1. Taking pictures and videos are fine.  Otherwise your phone should stay in your pocket and ringer off.
  2. The idea of scouting is preparing them for the future, but they are still kids. We as their caregivers need to set the example of how to behave and be respectful to presenters.  Scouts are distracted by electronics – if you’re on your phone, scouts will want to get on your phone. 
  3. Phones are a distraction. If you have to be on your phone, please leave the room/area. But please remember you’re still expected to follow Rule #1 (ensure your child is behaving/not being disruptive).
  4. Dress: There are two forms of dress expectations.  One is called a “Class A” uniform, which is the blue/tan uniform the other is called “Class B” uniform, which is the Pack T-shirt.  Blue jeans are fine for blue pants. Khaki pants are a fine substitution for olive pants  The pants just need to be dark blue or tan/olive. Image examples below for Class A.
  1. Be on time
  1. You may miss key information if you arrive at the meeting late. Volunteers should not be expected to repeat information for you because you are late.
  2. It’s also not respectful to the den leaders who prepare and create fun activities for your scout.
  3. If your scout is more than 15 minutes late you may not be allowed to participate in the activity to complete the adventure. Activities will not be restarted and instructions will not be explained to scouts who are late.
  4. Sometimes activities need to start at a scheduled time. If you’re late, the group may leave without you.
  5. Cleaning must be done by everyone. A Scout is Clean
  1. It takes everyone to accomplish this task. We ask everyone to keep their areas clean AND to pick up after others. We collectively cannot leave a mess, so pick up after others as well.
  2. This includes staying at the end of an activity to help clean up. Is it fair to ask volunteers to plan/organize everything then be expected to clean up your/your child’s mess?
  3. Bullying of any kind is not permitted. A Scout is loyal, friendly, courteous, and kind.
  1. Scouting is an activity where everyone is accepted and treated with respect.  If your scout cannot do that this may not be the place for them. We expect parents to ensure their scouts are behaving properly.
  2. This is not just limited to meetings.  Any form of bullying on any platform will not be tolerated. We expect scouts not to bully other scouts at school. If it gets back to leaders that bullying is occurring anywhere, we may address it with parents and scouts.
  3. Bullying at an activity may result in being sent home from that activity.
  4. Repeated bullying may result in additional discipline.
  5. Illness 
  1. If you don’t feel well please stay home.  
  2. Scouts can be fun and you don’t want to miss anything but your health is more important.
  3. Lion/Tiger Adult Partners
  1. BSA Requires an adult partner for each Lion and Tiger Scout. 
  2. An Adult Partner is REQUIRED to attend/participate in activities, with their Lion or Tiger Cub Scout. This is a BSA rule for insurance reasons
  3. One parent cannot serve as an adult partner for a scout who is not their child/family. Do not send your Lion/Tiger with another parent of another scout. People will be asked to go home.
  4. Adult Supervision while camping for Wolf-AOL scouts – Per BSA rules, children can only be supervised by a registered leader or their parent.
  1. This means at campouts, you’re not allowed to send your child with another adult unless that other adult is a registered leader and that leader agrees to be responsible for your child.
  2. Tigers/Lions must always be accompanied by an adult partner (parent/guardian)


  1. All forms must be turned in by the established deadline before the trip.
  2. No form, no trip.  Last minute forms will not be accepted.
  3. At least one parent per scout unless BSA rules are followed (i.e. Webelos/AOLS participating in District Webelos Woods, parents are not required to attend)
  1. If you can’t come for whatever reason please let a den leader know immediately.  We will see if we can have someone take your spot so we can refund your money if fees are paid in advance for an activity.
  2. Please pay attention to messaging about refund deadlines.. If the Pack has already paid the money and cannot get a refund, then refunds can not be provided to individuals.
  3. Siblings 
  1. We will let you know when and what trips they are permitted.  It depends on the location and space available. Siblings are often, but not always allowed (i.e. Children under 5 are not permitted overnight at the USS Yorktown).
  2. Parents are expected to monitor sibling behavior on trips.
  3. Have all items
  4. Make sure you have packed everything you need.  You might not have a chance to go to a store to get anything.  
  5. Stay in your group.
  6. Do not wander about unless given permission to do so. We must know where everyone is at all times.  This is especially important if we are on a camping trip. Definitely never go anywhere alone.
  7. Follow all posted signs and pack or den leader directions
  1. Signs and rules have been posted for a reason.  Breaking those rules or failure to follow those rules could result in someone getting lost or hurt, or something getting damaged.
  2. You may also be asked to leave the trip if you do not follow the rules and signs posted in the location we are visiting.  

Activities for Adventures

  1. Have your items ready to go for the days activities
  1. If there is an event in which something is made on your own time it must be completed before the days event.
  2. We will have items for you to repair your project, but don’t expect someone to help you build it if it was to be built ahead of time.
  3. If you’re not ready you will not participate.
  4. If you or your scout needs help assembling something, reach out.  We are all here to help as we’re able.
  5. Make sure you listen very carefully to what is going to happen at the event.
  1. You will be told what you will do and how to do it.
  2. Den meetings are short and we can’t repeat things several times. Please respectful of everyone else’s time.
  3. Electronics: take all the pictures and videos you want.  Otherwise the phone is off and in your pocket.  
  1. Some of the activities require parent involvement.  If you don’t listen you won’t be able to help.
  2. Many times scouts misbehave. Please do not be the parent who doesn’t realize it because you’re on your phone.  Parents are expected to address poor scout behavior.
  3. Dress: Most of the time it will be a Class B uniform T-shirt. We may expect Class A uniforms for some activities and that will be clarified in event information.

Consequences (this is general guideline and may change depending on the severity of the offense and location of the meeting, trip, or activity)

  1. First offense
  2. Spoken to by and adult or leader
  3. Second offense
  4. Spoken to by leader and asked to write a letter of apology before they can rejoin activities.
  5. Third 
  6. Will sit in the back of the meeting with a parent and may not be allowed to participate in the day’s activities.
  7. Fourth 
  1. Will be asked to leave
  2. Scout and parent may not be allowed to participate in the next trip/activity
  3. If on an overnight trip, the scout and parent will be asked to go home.


  1. Your participation is valuable and there is no way things would happen without you.
  1. If you see a scout misbehave and a leader does not catch it please say something. Scouting is a “see something, say something” environment when it comes to appropriate behavior and safety.
  2. Cub scouts is a community and if we all work together things will run wonderfully
  3. If you have any unique skills let your den leader know.
  4. We are not above asking for help of any kind.
  5. If you’re having trouble understanding or need help with how to prep for a trip or what you need please ask.
  1. The only dumb question is one you don’t ask.
  2. Your question may cause a leader to realize important information is missing from communication
  3. You are to attend all cub scout meetings with your scout.  
  4. If you drop off and leave we will call you back and your scout may be asked not to attend the next meeting.
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