A Cub Scout who has completed first grade (or is age 8), works on achievements to earn the Wolf badge. The Wolf badge is earned after completing the required Wolf Adventures, at least one Elective Adventure, Cyberchip, and How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.

These are the required Wolf Adventures:

  1. Call of the Wild
  2. Council Fire (Duty to Country)
  3. Duty to God Footsteps
  4. Howling at the Moon
  5. Paws on the Path
  6. Running with the Pack

The Duty to God Required Adventure, Cyberchip, and the How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide are done at home with parents. Attendance at Den meetings will complete the other required adventures and at least one elective.

For Wolf Leaders:

At the first Den meeting, it is recommended that the Den make a chart showing all the different ways team members can help the Den. Ask parents/scouts to volunteer to be responsible for a meeting (i.e. the Scout can lead pledge/oath/law, they can work with their parents and the Den Leader to help plan an activity, the parent can bring a snack, etc).

A meeting in January/early February should include an activity to create a centerpiece for the Annual Blue & Gold ceremony (typically held in late February). The Den with the “best” centerpiece gets a pizza party from the Pack.

Click on “Links – Wolf Requirements” to view the requirements to earn the Wolf badge at usscouts.org.

Click on Links – The MacScouter’s Big Book of Skits to view over 400 skits.

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